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‘Coup against Bolivian people’ forced Morales out of office, Corbyn says

‘Coup against Bolivian people’ forced Morales out of office, Corbyn says

Bolivian President Evo Morales was forced out of office by a coup, Jeremy Corbyn has claimed. The Labour leader condemned the country’s military and expressed solidarity with the Bolivian people.

To see Morales forced from office is “appalling,” Corbyn tweeted on Monday, noting that the Bolivian leader had “brought so much social progress” to the South American nation.

I condemn this coup against the Bolivian people and stand with them for democracy, social justice and independence.

Morales announced his resignation on Sunday, after Bolivia’s military called on him to step down. The contested October election has led to protests and riots. On Saturday, protesters burned the house of Oruro city governor and Morales ally Víctor Hugo Vásquez. Other acts of violence – including the Venezuelan Embassy being targeted with dynamite – were reported in the capital, La Paz.

Also on rt.com

Police officers escort Luis Fernando Camacho, a Santa Cruz civic leader and major opposition figure, as he waves a national flag during a protest against Bolivia's President Evo Morales in La Paz, Bolivia November 10, 2019. © REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins
‘Morales’ resignation undermines claims he is dictator, US may be behind push to oust him’

The Bolivian leader called for a snap election earlier on Sunday, after an Organization of American States (OAS) mission said it could not confirm his victory last month. Morales expressed hope that a new election would help avoid further unrest, but his decision galvanized the opposition, who took to the streets to call for his immediate resignation.

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‘Coup against Bolivian people’ forced Morales out of office, Corbyn says

Source: RT

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