مغربی طرز کی ترقی اور لبرل نظریے نے دنیا کو افراتفری، جنگوں اور بےامنی کے سوا کچھ نہیں دیا، رواں سال دنیا سے اس نظریے کا خاتمہ ہو جائے گا: ہنگری وزیراعظمامریکی جامعات میں صیہونی مظالم کے خلاف مظاہروں میں تیزی، سینکڑوں طلبہ، طالبات و پروفیسران جیل میں بندپولینڈ: یوکرینی گندم کی درآمد پر کسانوں کا احتجاج، سرحد بند کر دیخود کشی کے لیے آن لائن سہولت، بین الاقوامی نیٹ ورک ملوث، صرف برطانیہ میں 130 افراد کی موت، چشم کشا انکشافاتپوپ فرانسس کی یک صنف سماج کے نظریہ پر سخت تنقید، دور جدید کا بدترین نظریہ قرار دے دیاصدر ایردوعان کا اقوام متحدہ جنرل اسمبلی میں رنگ برنگے بینروں پر اعتراض، ہم جنس پرستی سے مشابہہ قرار دے دیا، معاملہ سیکرٹری جنرل کے سامنے اٹھانے کا عندیامغرب روس کو شکست دینے کے خبط میں مبتلا ہے، یہ ان کے خود کے لیے بھی خطرناک ہے: جنرل اسمبلی اجلاس میں سرگئی لاوروو کا خطاباروناچل پردیش: 3 کھلاڑی چین اور ہندوستان کے مابین متنازعہ علاقے کی سیاست کا نشانہ بن گئے، ایشیائی کھیلوں کے مقابلے میں شامل نہ ہو سکےایشیا میں امن و استحکام کے لیے چین کا ایک اور بڑا قدم: شام کے ساتھ تذویراتی تعلقات کا اعلانامریکی تاریخ کی سب سے بڑی خفیہ و حساس دستاویزات کی چوری: انوکھے طریقے پر ادارے سر پکڑ کر بیٹھ گئے


China’s new Silk Road trade expands to over $600 billion in first half of 2019

China’s new Silk Road trade expands to over $600 billion in first half of 2019

China, Featured, New Silk Road, world عالمی خبریں
China’s new Silk Road trade expands to over 0 billion in first half of 2019 Jim W. Dean - Neither the US nor Europe has even considered a similar program to the New Silk Road, choosing the bankster-serf-military industrial complex method instead. China’s new Silk Road trade expands to over 0 billion in first half of 2019 Source: VTT
20 Dead, Walmart Shooter Worships Trump

20 Dead, Walmart Shooter Worships Trump

Featured, Investigations
20 Dead, Walmart Shooter Worships Trump Editor’s note:  20 dead so far, 26 wounded when a Trump fan started killing “foreign looking” Americans as a way of, according to his manifesto and twitter account, give President Trump the kind of support needed to prevent race mixing and get that border wall put up….predictable.  Chalk up these killings to Donald Trump, no […] 20 Dead, Walmart Shooter Worships Trump Source: VTT
Epstein the Satanist?:  Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material)

Epstein the Satanist?: Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material)

Featured, Investigations
Epstein the Satanist?: Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material) Editor’s note: The articles and materials below, some of them unfit for children to see, depict what was done to children in Australia, the United States, Britain and is being done around the world. This story alleges that the world is run by a satanic pedophile ring, just like the one we tripped over with […] Epstein the Satanist?: Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material) Source: VTT
Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor, Greater Kurdistan, Greater Israel

Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor, Greater Kurdistan, Greater Israel

Featured, world عالمی خبریں
Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor, Greater Kurdistan, Greater Israel   Dr. Abdullah Manaz, VT Istanbul It is accepted by everyone that the wars and conflicts in the Middle East and the Mediterranean are an oil and energy war. The insecurity of the Strait of Hormuz and the influence of Iran on the Gulf necessitates the establishment of a new Energy Corridor for the West. […] Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor, Greater Kurdistan, Greater Israel Source: VTT
Teachers & Parents are Sick of Trauma Based Shootings in their Schools By Stephanie Sledge

Teachers & Parents are Sick of Trauma Based Shootings in their Schools By Stephanie Sledge

drills, false flags, Featured, Government, Investigations, Juan Sandoval, Raisin City, schools
Teachers & Parents are Sick of Trauma Based Shootings in their Schools By Stephanie Sledge By Stephanie Sledge Finally, teachers and parents are starting to become uncomfortable keeping their children in public schools, which has become a playground for fake shootings and war games. In 2012, Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano warned the nation we were going to be witnessing more and more school shootings. With this in mind, […] Teachers & Parents are Sick of Trauma Based Shootings in their Schools By Stephanie Sledge Source: VTT
Boris Johnson Buggered!  Iran Takes British Oil Tanker While 3 UK Warships Powerless to Help

Boris Johnson Buggered! Iran Takes British Oil Tanker While 3 UK Warships Powerless to Help

Featured, WarZone
Boris Johnson Buggered! Iran Takes British Oil Tanker While 3 UK Warships Powerless to Help Official Statement: Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has said that it has captured a British oil tanker for breaching international maritime law while crossing the Strait of Hormuz. The IRGC’s Public Relations Department said in a statement on Friday that the vessel named “Stena Impero” had been confiscated “at the request of Hormozgan Ports and Maritime Organization […] Boris Johnson Buggered! Iran Takes British Oil Tanker While 3 UK Warships Powerless to Help Source: VTT
Moon Hoax “Washington Monument Liftoff” Commemoration: One Giant Freemasonic Phallus for Mankind?

Moon Hoax “Washington Monument Liftoff” Commemoration: One Giant Freemasonic Phallus for Mankind?

Featured, Investigations
Moon Hoax “Washington Monument Liftoff” Commemoration: One Giant Freemasonic Phallus for Mankind? Are they going to use special effects to convince us that they can land the Washington Monument on the moon? Moon Hoax “Washington Monument Liftoff” Commemoration: One Giant Freemasonic Phallus for Mankind? Source: VTT

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