مغربی طرز کی ترقی اور لبرل نظریے نے دنیا کو افراتفری، جنگوں اور بےامنی کے سوا کچھ نہیں دیا، رواں سال دنیا سے اس نظریے کا خاتمہ ہو جائے گا: ہنگری وزیراعظمامریکی جامعات میں صیہونی مظالم کے خلاف مظاہروں میں تیزی، سینکڑوں طلبہ، طالبات و پروفیسران جیل میں بندپولینڈ: یوکرینی گندم کی درآمد پر کسانوں کا احتجاج، سرحد بند کر دیخود کشی کے لیے آن لائن سہولت، بین الاقوامی نیٹ ورک ملوث، صرف برطانیہ میں 130 افراد کی موت، چشم کشا انکشافاتپوپ فرانسس کی یک صنف سماج کے نظریہ پر سخت تنقید، دور جدید کا بدترین نظریہ قرار دے دیاصدر ایردوعان کا اقوام متحدہ جنرل اسمبلی میں رنگ برنگے بینروں پر اعتراض، ہم جنس پرستی سے مشابہہ قرار دے دیا، معاملہ سیکرٹری جنرل کے سامنے اٹھانے کا عندیامغرب روس کو شکست دینے کے خبط میں مبتلا ہے، یہ ان کے خود کے لیے بھی خطرناک ہے: جنرل اسمبلی اجلاس میں سرگئی لاوروو کا خطاباروناچل پردیش: 3 کھلاڑی چین اور ہندوستان کے مابین متنازعہ علاقے کی سیاست کا نشانہ بن گئے، ایشیائی کھیلوں کے مقابلے میں شامل نہ ہو سکےایشیا میں امن و استحکام کے لیے چین کا ایک اور بڑا قدم: شام کے ساتھ تذویراتی تعلقات کا اعلانامریکی تاریخ کی سب سے بڑی خفیہ و حساس دستاویزات کی چوری: انوکھے طریقے پر ادارے سر پکڑ کر بیٹھ گئے


Confirmed: Trump Ordered Syria’s Wheat Crop Burned During Pandemic (Russian media strangely silent)

Confirmed: Trump Ordered Syria’s Wheat Crop Burned During Pandemic (Russian media strangely silent)

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Confirmed: Trump Ordered Syria’s Wheat Crop Burned During Pandemic (Russian media strangely silent) Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Apache helicopters of the US occupation forces flew low Sunday morning, according to residents of the Adla village, in the Shaddadi countryside, south of Hasaka, as they dropped ‘thermal balloons’, an incendiary weapon, causing the wheat fields to explode into flames while the hot dry winds fanned the raging fire. After […] Confirmed: Trump Ordered Syria’s Wheat Crop Burned During Pandemic (Russian media strangely silent)
VT 2010: Why America Must Have an Anti-War Uprising

VT 2010: Why America Must Have an Anti-War Uprising

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VT 2010: Why America Must Have an Anti-War Uprising Is the Silence of the American People  Complicity in War Crimes? …by  Gordon Duff,   Senior Editor   [Editors Note from 2014:  With all the new events and material coming in to write about, taking time to cruise through our archives to pull out some golden oldies often falls victim to the procrastination monster. But we are going to […] VT 2010: Why America Must Have an Anti-War Uprising
Breaking/Vital: Trump Blocks Medical Supplies to Michigan, other States as Well over Political Tantrum-Governor Whitmer (confirmed by VP Pence)

Breaking/Vital: Trump Blocks Medical Supplies to Michigan, other States as Well over Political Tantrum-Governor Whitmer (confirmed by VP Pence)

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Breaking/Vital: Trump Blocks Medical Supplies to Michigan, other States as Well over Political Tantrum-Governor Whitmer (confirmed by VP Pence) Yahoo News: President Donald Trump’s latest target, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, told a radio station Friday that medical supply vendors informed her they’ve been told “not to send stuff” to her state amid the battle against COVID-19. Whitmer, a Democrat, didn’t say if the orders were coming from the White House or if vendors may […] Breaking/Vital: Trump Blocks Medical Supplies to Michigan, other States as Well over Political Tantrum-Governor Whitmer (confirmed by VP Pence)
Anna News Agency:  Syria Report Feb. 27, 2020

Anna News Agency: Syria Report Feb. 27, 2020

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Anna News Agency: Syria Report Feb. 27, 2020 Syria. Kafr Awaid City Released ANNA News correspondents report that Syrian forces liberated Kafr Awaid, located in the southern part of Idlib province. For a day from Kafr Nabeul, the 25th division passed strictly west more than 15 kilometers. The height of Klekel was taken. SANA also reports that government forces returned another 15 villages […] Anna News Agency: Syria Report Feb. 27, 2020
Russian Aerospace Greatest Hits: February 21, 2020, Turkish Tank Column Wiped Out, 250 Killed (video)

Russian Aerospace Greatest Hits: February 21, 2020, Turkish Tank Column Wiped Out, 250 Killed (video)

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Russian Aerospace Greatest Hits: February 21, 2020, Turkish Tank Column Wiped Out, 250 Killed (video) On February 21, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) released a video revealing the catastrophic losses the Turkish military and its proxies sustained during their recent failed attack on the town of al-Nayrab in southern Idlib. The attack saw the direct participation of the Turkish military, which provided al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the […] Russian Aerospace Greatest Hits: February 21, 2020, Turkish Tank Column Wiped Out, 250 Killed (video)
Sources: Murderer of Soleimanai Killed With Spy Plane Shot Down over Afghanistan(warning/unpleasant photos)

Sources: Murderer of Soleimanai Killed With Spy Plane Shot Down over Afghanistan(warning/unpleasant photos)

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Sources: Murderer of Soleimanai Killed With Spy Plane Shot Down over Afghanistan(warning/unpleasant photos) The downed plane was the mobile CIA command for Michael D’ Andrea, head of operations against Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, America’s most advanced spy platform and mobile command center with all equipment and documents now in enemy hands VT Damascus: (Russian intelligence sources confirm) It has been reported that (Mike de Andrea) responsible for the […] Sources: Murderer of Soleimanai Killed With Spy Plane Shot Down over Afghanistan(warning/unpleasant photos)
Will Russia Provide Missiles to “close the entire sky” over Iran?

Will Russia Provide Missiles to “close the entire sky” over Iran?

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Will Russia Provide Missiles to “close the entire sky” over Iran? By Anton Mardasov (al-Monitor) Russian officials are weighing the possible risks of selling missile defense equipment to Iran following the military escalation between the Islamic Republic and the United States triggered by the Jan. 3 US assassination of Qasem Soleimani, leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force. Some among Russia’s political elite believe closer military-technical cooperation would benefit both countries. […] Will Russia Provide Missiles to “close the entire sky” over Iran?

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