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Selfie-imposed: Referee gives football legend Kaka a yellow card then takes SELFIE with Brazilian star (VIDEO)

Selfie-imposed: Referee gives football legend Kaka a yellow card then takes SELFIE with Brazilian star (VIDEO)

Ex-Real Madrid and AC Milan playmaker Kaka received the most unconventional yellow card of his career during a charity match when he was asked for a ‘selfie’ by the referee immediately after being issued with a caution.

Kaka, 38, called time on his impeccable career two years ago after three years spent in Major League Soccer with Orlando City but during the Brazil star’s 16-year playing career it is unlikely that he ever came across a situation similar to the one he found while representing Brazil Legends against their Israeli counterparts. 

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Several famous names were included in the Brazil team, including the likes of Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos and Cafu, but it was Kaka who appeared to draw the most interest – from the referee at least.

With the Brazil side leading the game 3-2, the female referee blew the whistle as Kaka dribbled through the midfield.

The initial confusion over the reason for the stoppage, compounded by the strange yellow card she issued, was soon made clear as after flashing the card in his face, she removed her phone from her pocket and took a sneaky ‘selfie’ with the 2007 Ballon d’Or winner.


Despite footage showing a member of the Israeli team reacting in confusion, Kaka’s teammates saw the lighter side of the moment and shook the referee’s hand.

The on-the-fly photograph hasn’t yet made it online but we suspect that the ref’s Instagram account may well soon light up if and when the picture gets posted online.

As for the match itself, Kaka won’t be too dispirited by the yellow card as his team wound up 4-2 winners.

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Selfie-imposed: Referee gives football legend Kaka a yellow card then takes SELFIE with Brazilian star (VIDEO)

Source: RT

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