Advice from Trump: US is clean & beautiful, Greta; please go and fight those trashing the Pacific Ocean
by RT
Advice from Trump: US is clean & beautiful, Greta; please go and fight those trashing the Pacific Ocean
When President Donald Trump mentioned Swedish ecological activist Greta Thunberg, everybody held their breath. However, he kept his cool, simply telling her not to focus on America’s environmental issues and focus on other places.
Some environmental enthusiasts looked forward to the World Economic Forum the way sports fans wait in anticipation for a big game. US President Donald Trump and Swedish ecological activist Greta Thunberg, two irreconcilable eco-rivals, were given the opportunity and venue to duel it out over climate change.
On Tuesday, Thunberg blamed world leaders for the “inaction” which is fueling the flames while “Our house is still on fire.” Trump then lashed out at the climate “prophets of doom” – without, however, mentioning Greta by name.
At a press conference on Wednesday, he was asked for his thoughts on the young Swedish activists’ critical position towards America’s environmental stance.
The US already has “very good environmental numbers,” Trump said, adding that the numbers on air are “tremendous.” But, according to the president, not all countries are lucky enough to be so “clean and beautiful” – so that’s where Greta should focus her efforts.
We’re clean and beautiful and everything’s good but you have another continent where the fumes are rising at levels that you can’t believe. I think Greta ought to focus on those places.
At the UN General Assembly held in September last year, another indirect comment exchange between Thunberg and President Trump made headlines. Thunberg used the occasion to accuse world leaders of stealing “her childhood” with their “empty promises” on the climate agenda.
“She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future,” Trump tweeted in a seemingly mocking reply.