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Goalie fight! Rare sight as goaltenders slug it out after ‘Battle of Alberta’ NHL clash erupts into mass brawl (VIDEO)

Goalie fight! Rare sight as goaltenders slug it out after ‘Battle of Alberta’ NHL clash erupts into mass brawl (VIDEO)

In one of ice hockey’s lesser-seen sights, rival goaltenders Mike Smith and Cam Talbot traded punches as tensions spilled over in the NHL clash between the Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames.

It’s a match-up dubbed ‘The Battle of Alberta’ because of the tempestuous history between the two Canadian teams, and Saturday night’s latest installment didn’t disappoint.

Inside the last minute of the second period, fighting broke out at the Flames end, prompting Oilers goalie  Smith skated to the center in search of some action of his own.

Talbot duly obliged, skating out to meet him as the pair circled each other before going at it.


Officials stepped in to break up the brawl – which was reportedly the first of its kind in the combustible history of meetings between the two bitter rivals.

Both netminders were ejected, while officials decided to send both teams to the dressing rooms for a cooling-off period before resuming the action.

There was some added spice to the Talbot-Smith showdown, as both had previously played for the opposing teams.

It was the Oilers who secured bragging rights, winning 8-3 on their rivals’ ice at Scotiabank Saddledome.

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Goalie fight! Rare sight as goaltenders slug it out after ‘Battle of Alberta’ NHL clash erupts into mass brawl (VIDEO)

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