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‘Complete contentment and happiness’: Groundbreaking study finds death is a EUPHORIC experience

‘Complete contentment and happiness’: Groundbreaking study finds death is a EUPHORIC experience

It may be many people’s greatest fear, but a revolutionary new study has found that dying is actually a blissful and euphoric experience that makes people not want to come back to life.

People who momentarily depart their mortal coil before being revived are left with positive perceptions of what it’s like to pass away, according to a groundbreaking new study. 

The researchers used artificial intelligence to mine a treasure trove of 158 written testimonies from people who had near-death experiences and found that positive words like ‘see’ and ‘light’ are used far more frequently than negative ones like ‘fear’ and ‘dead’.

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The team of scientists from Canada’s Western University and the University of Liège in Belgium are hailing their results as quantitative scientific proof that most people respond positively to near death experiences.

The findings align with the experience of Canadian paramedic Adam Tapp, who was dead for over 11 minutes when he got electrocuted during a woodworking project.

“It was just like waking from a nap in a place I have always been and there was no fear or anything just complete contentment and happiness,” Tapp told CTV News.

Previous scientific investigations into near-death experiences had used standardized questionnaires , which includes queries like “Did you have a feeling of peace and pleasantness?” or “Did you feel separated from your body?” 

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This approach is potentially biased, and may skew recollections and subsequent discoveries. However, the text mining technique is completely unbiased, as people are not asked any specific questions.

“Text mining is completely unbiased. It is fully automatic and we, as researchers, don’t make any assumptions,” study author Andrea Soddu explained.

The study was published this week in the journal PLOS ONE.

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‘Complete contentment and happiness’: Groundbreaking study finds death is a EUPHORIC experience

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