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Knife-wielding man shot in France at gendarmerie barracks after attacking officer – reports

Knife-wielding man shot in France at gendarmerie barracks after attacking officer – reports

A man armed with a knife has been shot by a gendarme after entering barracks and wounding an officer in the hand at Dieuze in the Moselle region of France. Local media reports said the man was immediately neutralized.

The incident happened at around 3:30PM. The officer retaliated with his tear gas canister before firing his weapon twice, the gendarmerie told AFP.

The attacker, who reportedly entered the barracks wearing civilian clothing, was injured in the abdomen and transported to Metz hospital.


The gendarmerie said they are trying to determine the man’s motives and whether the incident could be terrorism-related. The attacker had not been known to the French counter-terrorist authorities, nor did he have any criminal record according to local media.

Officials have not yet confirmed the severity of the attacker’s injuries.

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Knife-wielding man shot in France at gendarmerie barracks after attacking officer – reports

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